Here are some brief highlights from our short time spent in Portland + Astoria + at the Oregon Trail.

Where we stayed: Hi-Lo Hotel, Autograph Collection, Portland. This hotel offered polished rooms and suites in a modern hotel, refined Mexican cuisine, a gym and a lobby lounge. We really enjoyed the lobby lounge area where we were able to get two days of work done while staying at the hotel. The long bar wooden table centered in the room had laptop and cell charging ports underneath for ease of charging while spending so much time on our laptops. This 120 room hotel is located in the historic Oregon Pioneer Building which has been respectfully nudged into the 21st century. We also didn't mind ending the year earning our #starwoodspoints / #mariottpoints to continue our hotel status into 2019.

Downtown Quick Shots:

Where we ate: PORTLAND EATS!
Pine Street Market, which opened in the Spring of 2016 located in downtown Portland in the historic Carriage & Baggage Building which features nine of Portland's best chefs and purveyors, in a casual, open layout. Built in 1866, the Carriage & Baggage Building was originally used as a horse-drawn carriage storage facility, after it was used as storage and retail for Mallory Logging then home to Portland's Old Spaghetti Factory. We ate over several days here at a few of the places which included: Checkerboard Pizza, dessert at Salt and Straw, Ramen at Marukin Ramen and of course we sampled the french fries from Bless Your Heart Burgers (and they were delicious), everything was! We would recommend a try at all of these locations. See out pics below highlighting our faves!

Cheese and pineapple and onion pizza.

Salt & Straw.

We also tried the upscale Mexican cuisine at the Hi-Lo Hotel, Alto Bajo for dinner, and it was delicious! Fast service, in a great spot, we had a seat by a large window and we give it two thumbs up. We like our Mexican foods, salsa and chips so this was a win as well! Great Margaritas too!

Lasly, we had a Krispy Kreme Doughnuts breakfast of champions. When you don't have access to a Krispy Kreme you drive 25 minutes out of your way to get an original glazed and BONUS! The HOT SIGN was on!

Where we visited: We only had one day to get our activities in so we split the day between going to see The Oregon Trail and visiting Astoria, Oregon.
The Oregon Trail - The End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive and Visitor Center

The Oregon Trail was the most popular way to get out to Oregon Country from 1843-1870s. The trail started in Missouri and covered 2,000 miles before ending in Oregon City. Pioneer Legacy - with flowing rivers and thick forests Oregon has long been a destination for pioneers with a sense of adventure. Nearly half a million pioneers traveled along the 2,000 mile Oregon Trail in the mid 19th century.
Many pulled up stakes and headed for the farms and fold fields of the West. The End of the Oregon Trail Historic Oregon City, chronicles the hardships, rewards and dangers of life on the Trail. Where did the trail really go? It didn’t follow a single path. The answer is there was no single route just a destination: Oregon’s Willamette Valley.

You Have Died of Dysentery!

Weddings on the trail!

The Land Office.

A few facts:
• The California Trail, Mormon Trail and Bozeman Trail overlapped much of the Oregon Trail. As traffic on the Oregon Trail increased the trail became littered with discarded supplies, as oxen and wagons wore down.
• The route could take up to 6 months to arrive in Oregon and the oxen could travel 2-3 miles per hour and maybe up to 20 miles in one day.
• Outfitting for the trail cost between $500-$1,000. Selling the family farm was probably the most common means of funding the trip.
• 200lbs of flour- was perhaps the most important provision the overlanders carried. The cheapest grades of flour. They used it to make bread, biscuits, flapjacks, muffins and cake.
• Every male over the age of 18 who was a US Citizen could claim 320 acres, if he was married 320 would also be given in his wife’s names so the couple had one square mile of land.
Such a great morning at the End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center.

#oregon #theendoftheoregontrail #oregontrail #wagons #oxen #provisions #youhavediedofdysentery #landoffice #320acresofland #sjroregon2018
Astoria -“Hey, you guuuys!” The oldest American settlement west of the Rockies, Astoria today ranks among one of Oregon’s top destinations. The Oregon Film Museum honors many movies, but one of our favorites “The Goonies” was shot in town.

The “Truffle Shuffle,” “One-Eyed Willie,” and the fictitious neighborhood of the “Goon Docks” the classic movie The Goonies was released on June 7 back in 1985. Of course we drove and visited the Oregon Film Museum, formerly the Clatsop County Jail, the building is where Jake Fratelli escapes with the help of his mother and brother.
The former jail has now become the Oregon Film Museum, dedicated to movies made in the state of Oregon, and we got to take a look at some Goonies film memorabilia including an SUV similar to the one used by the Fratelli gang in the movie, complete with bullet holes.

Data’s outfit, Chester Copperpot’s wallet, and ID card. Haha.

Two Thumbs Up!

It's small but a great place to visit. The town still looks the way it did in the movie, haha.
We were able to drive and see many of the streets different scenes were shot on and then shortly explored Astoria and took a few pictures before heading back to Portland. What a full day!

#goonies #gooniesneversaydie #theonlythingweserveistongue #goondocks #astoria #oregon #sjroregon2018 #databootytraps #sloth #mikey #chunk #itsourtimedownhere #chestercopperpot