Looking for something different and exciting to do in Las Vegas, NV? If you have an hour we recommend going to check out the Pinball Hall of Fame Museum. Did we mention this is an interactive museum? You can play all of the games you see. Bring some dollars so you can use their vintage cash machine to get some quarters! Some games are .25 cents, and some are .50 and .75. We had a blast here! The Las Vegas Pinball Collectors Club has placed and housed on display the world's largest pinball collection. Games rage from the 1950s - 1990s! On our family trip in Las Vegas, we spent about one hour playing all sorts of restored - like new, pinball machines, take a look through our photo gallery to see the fun! Sarek also purchased 2 Pinballs as a souvenir from our time here. Boy are they heavy!
Location: 1610 E. Tropicana, Las Vegas (10,000 sq ft facility with nothing but pinball fun)
PINBALL GAMES: We played Space Pilot, Star Wars, Time Machine, Tron, Bond, Monopoly, Lunar Shot, BIG TOP, The Lawman and more!

Did you see this score?! 15, 640 this game!

Time Machine, this was my favorite machine! So much fun!

Watching dad play The Lawman!

Dad kept getting the highest scores on The Lawman, over 26,000 points each game!

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